Become a member of the PPRA!
Why Become a member?
A strong membership base will ensure we are heard and ensure we are listening. By surveying our members we hope to better advocate for the kind of community you want.
Support Recreation, Green Space and Community.
Give the PPRA a louder voice at city hall to advocate for more recreation opportunities and more green space at budget time and with city council, and the provincial and federal governments when necessary to protect and promote our communities needs.
Help keep our Community healthy and strong!
Who can become a member?
Membership in the PPRA is open to all persons 18 years of age or older who reside within the catchment area of the PPRA (bounded by the Bank Street in the east to Holland Avenue in the west and to the Queensway Highway (417) to Bronson Avenue and to Carling Avenue thereafter to the south and the Ottawa River to the north).
Membership is also open to users of the Plant Recreation Facility or other persons with a special or historical interest in the Association.
Seventy five percent (75%) of the board must be composed of members residing within the catchment area of the PPRA described above.
Each member shall be entitled to a vote at all meetings of the members.
Any member may withdraw from the Association by delivering to the Association a written resignation and lodging a copy of the same with the Secretary of the Association.
A member shall cease to be a member of the Association if, at a general meeting of members, a resolution is passed by seventy-five per cent (75%) of the members present at the meeting that his or her membership shall terminate.
How do you become a member?
Fill the following form and we will get back to you as soon as possible